
Posts Tagged ‘future’

[December, 1988] I’m Psychic! And a Bad Speller!

September 17, 2009 4 comments


Dear Journal,

I think that I am phsicic. I am not kidding.

A lot of things that I predicted came true and I can’t believe it.

It is really amazing because yesterday I slept over Rose’s house and predicted something and today it came true. I hope that I really am phsycic.

in your future, I see...something insignificant!

in your future, I see...something insignificant!

What can I say, I’m a magnet for paranormal phenomena. I don’t seek it out, it just finds me (okay, that’s a lie; I totally seek it out).

As I mentioned when reminiscing over my childhood UFO sighting, in the late ‘80s/early 90’s, there were a lot of television shows dedicated to strange phenomenon like Sightings, not to mention special one-off programs dedicated to such intriguing topics as photographic evidence of ghosts and secret footage of an alien autopsy (that one gives me the heebeegeebees just to think about today, despite it being proven to be a hoax). I devoured these shows along with magazines and books about the paranormal. I secretly coveted the Mysteries of the Unknown series from Time Life books.

The thing is, I didn’t want a passive role in this unexplained phenomena, I wanted to participate. I tried with all my might to astral project or make spoons bend with my mind. The previous summer I participated in a seance with a group of kids and we were convinced we made contact not only with the little girl from Poltergeist who died several months earlier (Heather O’Rourke), but Elvis Presley himself. Above all else, I tried to hone my psychic ability. By “hone” I mean “read a lot about other psychic people and wish to be one of them.”

While I do think both my mother and I have some extra-sensory perception, my childhood “psychic abilities” were pretty laughable and usually involved prophetic dreams. There was of course the one where a book which magically answered any questions was wasted on me. Another one that stands out is when I dreamed about the movie Date with an Angel and when I woke up and turned on the TV, the movie was playing on one of the cable channels. OOooOOooh, spoooooky!

Whatever it was I predicted at Rose’s house that day, it was undoubtedly equally  insignificant. The important thing is that it gave me further proof of my burgeoning “phsicic” abilities.